Essential supplements


 There are literally hundreds of supplements on the market targeted at body builders and meant to increase your body size. They are designed to maximize the body's natural abilities and help you get the body mass you want. How do you know which supplement is right for you?

Sound Sleep

Sweet Dreams: 

Rest is one of the most overlooked parts of an exercise regimen, but the reality is it is actually a quite important principle. Sleep is one of your most valuable tools for growth that you can have in your body building arsenal.

Receipes for Muscle Building

Cooking For Mass: 

You don't have to be a gourmet chef to cook nutritional meals that can complement your body building program. Cooking can be a great way to gain control of your eating and pick what you put into your foods like salt and fat. Meals can be as simple or as complicated as you like. Here are a few recipes to get you started.

  • Cereal Casserole

  1. Your favorite cereal
  2. Skim milk
  3. Honey
  4. 1 cup yogurt
Fill half the bowl with cereal. Add milk until it reaches the top of the cereal. Add yogurt. Top with more cereal. Add more milk. Drizzle with honey.

Sample Muscle mass building meals

Sample Meal Plan :

Choosing the right way to eat to build muscle can be a little overwhelming. But once you start eating the way you need to, it will become second nature to you. Following is a list of good foods for you to eat in each of the categories you need to concentrate on:

1. Proteins


  • White meat chicken or turkey

  • Canned tuna

  • Canned salmon

  • Fresh Fish

  • Shellfish

  • Eggs

  • Tofu

  • Soy

  •  Red meat like steak or roast


Why Eating is Essential To Build A Perfect Body

What is needed to build a perfect BODY

For building a perfect Body food plays a very vital role.Many people who want to build a well-shaped body do not pay attention to the type of food they are eating.

Whenever we eat food we get calories which are the tiny bits of energy.Counting calories is not as important as knowing what calories is best for you to eat to get maximum effectiveness of your workouts. To carryout your workout plan smoothly you need different type of nutrients.One of the essential nutrients is Carbohydrates.


Carbohydrates :

These are the main source of body Glucose.Glucose is a  simple Carbohydrates stored in muscles and Liver as Glycogen. Glycogen provides energy for brain and for making food in the body.Glucose can be obtained from body protein by break down of muscles. If you are not intaking enough Carbohydrates your body will breakdown protein from muscle tissue to obtain glucose.

Intake Carbohydrates in bulk with your diet.Concentrate on unprocessed complex.Carbohydrates like Whole Grain,Potatoes,Sweet potatoes,Oat meal,Bread and Brown Rice.The natural complex carbohydrates contain 'Long Chain' sugar which are digested slowly.This helps the blood sugar level to be consistent which in turn helps to offset fatigue while promoting the release of insulin which is the principal anabolic hormone.The amount of Carbohydrates that a man should  intake can be obtained by multiplying their body weight by 3.The result obtained will be in grams,which is the required amount of the carbohydrates that a man should intake daily.For a woman, the amount of carbohydrates the she should intake can be obtained by multiplying her body weight by 2.

Along with carbohydrates you must take n enough fiber in your diet.Eating fiber make muscle tissue more active to anabolism by improving sugar and amino acid uptake,and helping in muscle glycogen formation and growth.Beans and oatmeal are two excellent source of fiber.

Divide your carbohydrate meal into six servings in a day.In doing so your body will stimulate a steady release of insulin to create anabolic or body building state. But if you eat too much in one sitting the net effect is that fat-storing enzymes kick into high hear and you lose lean and hard look.

Workout Plans To Gain A Perfect Body

Workout Plans To Build A Perfect Body:

If the word 'Damage' makes you fear,don't worry.Its a good that a Body Builder is subjected to muscle damage as it will help the body to recover and grow.The body will be ready for future workouts.This is what all about body building,one-step-back and two-step-forward which is repeated over and over throughout the workout program.

This following workout plan is designed to focus on a particular part of your body each day.The mid-week and weekend days are the resting days.This workout plan is just a suggestion but you can adjust it to your requirement which will lead you to your goal of achieving a Perfect Body.Do some warm-up exercise prior to the workout so as to get your body and mind prepared.

Relax for a while to cool down yourself after you have done working out.This reduces muscle soreness and building up of adrenaline due to workout.To cool down, take a deep breath or do some stretching exercise.Don't push your body beyond your limits.Don't use heavy weight.Try some that will provide good resistance to Build a good Body.In course of time you can increase the weight.

Day 1 - Upper Body:

For this exercise begin with 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps each.
  1. Dumbbell Press.

  2. Standing Barbell Military Press.

  3. Lying Tricep Press.

  4. Side Lateral Raise.

  5. Preacher Curls.

  6. Seated Dumbbell Curl.

  7. Dumbbell Rows.

  8. Dumbbell Shrugs.

If you can access weight machines,you can add the following in your Workout Plan.

  1.  Pec Deck Butterflys.

  2. V-bar Pushdowns.

  3. Lat Pulls with Pulley Machine.

Build Your Body in Short Time

 To Build Your Body You Must Follow Strict Rules Methods[Which I Am Going To Tell You]:

Before proceeding you must know about some of 'Body Building' :

Ever since 1980 's ,we have become a nation increasingly aware of our health and physique.a lot of money is being spend every year to get a perfect body.gyms are big business and the trainers are getting handsome income by helping them to keep healthy. and the body building supplements are making the companies rich.

In reality, bodybuilding sports are around for quite sometime.In 19th century, Eugen Sandow ,'father of bodybuilding' was known to  be the founder of this sport. he become very famous and started many business related to body building. i am going to give you some basic training which is of 'Grecian Ideal'.

1. Weight Training:

Body Building is the process by which we can build our muscle fibers. Muscle fiber can be increased by muscle conditioning,weight training increased calorie intakes and resting.Workouts are designed to improve some muscle system and foods are taken to increase body's metabolism and increase mass.Here we will learn weight training to increase strength and skeletal muscle.specific weight training works on specific muscles o improve.the specific combination of reps,sets,exercises,and weight depends upon the need of the body builder.
Equipment used in weight training- barbells,dumbbells,pulleys and stacks in form of weight machines or the body's own weights in push up and chin not transfer the weight to other body parts in order to lift more weight.If you do not follow good form you will risk injury.
some gyms offers trainers who can guide you to perfectin.

2. Exercises :

At first you may not familiar with some terms that are used in body building. There are so many exercises that i cant list in this space.The right thing is to do your exercise correctly thats why i am here. Lets start with some basic exercises.You can do these exercise at your Home as it need no such equipments.

Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Bench Press

1. Dumbbell Bench Press:

Sit on a flat bench with the dumbbells resting on your knees.Gradually roll onto your back and bring the dumbbell outside and slightly above your shoulder.your palm should be facing forward.

Bend you elbow at a ninety degree angle with you upper arms parallel to the ground..Press the weight up above your chest till you meet the central line of your body. while lifting keep the balanced and in control . Follow the same path downward.

Seated Military Press
Seated Military Press

2. Standing Military Press:

Barbell is used in this exercise.stand with your two legs at shoulder with apart and lift the weight to your chest.Lock your legs,hips and keep your elbow slightly under your bar.list the barbell at shoulder height apart. Lower the bell to your chest or your chin depending on which is more comfortable for you.The image is of Seated Military Press.

This exercise can be done with the help of dumbbells or on a weight bench..

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