What is needed to build a perfect BODY
For building a perfect Body food plays a very vital role.Many people who want to build a well-shaped body do not pay attention to the type of food they are eating.
Whenever we eat food we get calories which are the tiny bits of energy.Counting calories is not as important as knowing what calories is best for you to eat to get maximum effectiveness of your workouts. To carryout your workout plan smoothly you need different type of nutrients.One of the essential nutrients is Carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates :
These are the main source of body Glucose.Glucose is a simple Carbohydrates stored in muscles and Liver as Glycogen. Glycogen provides energy for brain and for making food in the body.Glucose can be obtained from body protein by break down of muscles. If you are not intaking enough Carbohydrates your body will breakdown protein from muscle tissue to obtain glucose.
Intake Carbohydrates in bulk with your diet.Concentrate on unprocessed complex.Carbohydrates like Whole Grain,Potatoes,Sweet potatoes,Oat meal,Bread and Brown Rice.The natural complex carbohydrates contain 'Long Chain' sugar which are digested slowly.This helps the blood sugar level to be consistent which in turn helps to offset fatigue while promoting the release of
insulin which is the
principal anabolic hormone.The amount of Carbohydrates that a man should intake can be obtained by multiplying their body weight by 3.The result obtained will be in grams,which is the required amount of the carbohydrates that a man should intake daily.For a woman, the amount of carbohydrates the she should intake can be obtained by multiplying her body weight by 2.
Along with carbohydrates you must take n enough fiber in your diet.Eating fiber make muscle tissue more active to anabolism by improving sugar and amino acid uptake,and helping in muscle glycogen formation and growth.Beans and oatmeal are two excellent source of fiber.
Divide your carbohydrate meal into six servings in a day.In doing so your body will stimulate a steady release of insulin to create anabolic or body building state. But if you eat too much in one sitting the net effect is that fat-storing enzymes kick into high hear and you lose lean and hard look.