Building Body for teenager

Body Building For Teens:

Most teenagers are not yet full grown, so special considerations must be taken when a teen undertakes a body building program. However, you should know that this is a great time to start a workout program that you can carry through to your adult years. There are some things to keep in mind before you start, though.

DO NOT start lifting weights or undertaking an intense body building regiment before you turn 13. You can exercise before this "magical" age, but limit your exercise to low-impact workouts like push ups and sit ups.


Squats and dead lifts should never be performed either before you are 16. These types of exercises require some execution techniques that need to be performed properly or else you will injure yourself.


UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you take any type of testosterone supplements before you reach adult hood. You already have plenty of testosterone in your body. Adding more could contribute to growth stunting.

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